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Explore our trading tools for all types of traders.

Web Meta Trader You can create a demo account from here or use an existing account. Remember to fill in the data in the server field. Or enter your real account information and the server of the broker you are a client of.

Live ChartsFollow the prices of all financial instruments here. Forex, commodities, stocks, cryptocurrencies, indices and more live charts

Economic Calendar – The information in our economic calendar is updated in real-time and enables every trader to keep track of important financial announcements that can affect the world’s economies.

Exchange calculatorWith this exchange calculator, you can calculate the conversion rate between two randomly selected currencies.

Forex Risk Calculator FOREX risk calculator allows you to calculate the volume to make a deal based on the maximum loss you are willing to bear.

US Stock Markets – You will find all the most important news related to the US stock markets from the leading news portals. You can also find live quotes of leading stocks and indices.

CryptocurrenciesWatch the price change of 250 cryptocurrencies live against USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, and JPY.

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